
PixieCardCo – A Little Card Company

PixieCardCo - Etsy Shop Review

In an episode of one of TVs greatest television show, Seinfeld, Jerry – in the middle of a standup routine – starts to talk about greeting cards and how they are little more than “Hallmark hookers” that we call on when we don’t want to have to put in the heavy lifting telling someone how we feel ourselves.

Pixie & Co. – Funny Cards. Big Laughs. Sending Love.

Now, if you have ever walked the greeting card/birthday card aisle favorite grocery store or department store, you know that the overwhelming majority of cards fall into two distinct categories:

Super lame, corny, and anything but funny or

The sappiest way to say ANYTHING, and usually nothing all that sincere at the same time

None of them are usually edgy enough to be called Hallmark Hookers.

Things are the exact opposite at the Pixie Card Company.

This Is NOT Your Grandma’s Card Shop

Right out of the gate you are going to notice that these greeting cards, birthday cards, and special occasion cards are ANYTHING but sentimental, sappy, or filled with the lamest jokes you’ve ever heard and the weakest attempts to be funny.

These cards are over-the-top, in your face, and almost always aggressive.

They definitely don’t contain the kind of humor that you would probably want to toss at your grandma on her birthday (though you’ll know IMMEDIATELY if your grandma would LOVE these kinds of cards), but are instead a lot more in line with the kind of rough, raunchy, and almost always crossing the line comedy that is so popular these days.

These are the kinds of cards from Pixie & Co. that will ever be forgotten or just tossed in the bin after they have been read a single time.

Backyard BBQ Invitation

Backyard BBQ Invitation #1 – Free Beer and BBQ – Buy now!

New Designs Added All The Time

The collection of the options available from the Pixie & Co. is already pretty impressive, but they are regularly adding new designs to their individual collections on a pretty regular basis.

You’re not going to see dozens and dozens of cards added every week (that’s for sure), but will want to check back every now and again as a handful of cards are usually added every month or so. These designs stay fresh, topical, and have some of the coolest and quirkiest art design we’ve seen on a greeting card in a long time.

The odds are pretty good you’re going to love them!

Custom Card Bundles Help You Save a Bunch

Of course, if you never want to run the risk of one of your favorite Pixie & Co. options going out of stock and never returning again you want to consider snapping up a custom card bundle.

Right now, the company makes bundles of three cards and six cards available at a pretty decent discount (20% right off of the time) and it’s not a bad idea to stock up on some of your favorites or get all of your card needs for the coming months taking care of in a single shot.

Check out the Pixie & Co. today. You won’t regret it!

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